Glass half full
Sometimes it’s good to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We threw some (nosy) questions at actress/singer Carole Stennett and she answered with grace - speaking of appreciation, taking it day by day and being grateful.
Who are you?
That is such a massive question and to be honest one that I'm still trying to work out lol.
My name is Carole and I am a black woman. A daughter. A sister. A friend and a believer in God. I am complexed yet simple, I have feelings as does every other human being. I could keep going but I'll stop there lol.
What do you do?
Professionally, I am a singer and an actress. I'm trying to understand what that means in this current climate. I like to think that my work brings joy and happiness into the world and I love the feeling it gives me knowing I can make someone smile, even if it's just for a moment. What do I do personally? I'm a glass half full type of person. I always try to see the positive in a situation (not always easy) I also try to see things from both sides to understand why people act the way they do. I'm all about the positivity, I have no room for drama, it's not good for my soul.
Why do you do what you do?
Because it's fun :-) I wake up each day grateful that I get to do something that I love, sometimes it doesn't even feel like work. It can feel like I'm going to hang out with friends. There have been shows where I've had just as much fun off stage than I've had onstage! I think working in the corporate world before becoming self-employed in an industry that I adore, has allowed me to appreciate what I do that much more. I think if you enjoy what you do, it makes you more well-rounded as an individual. That applies to all aspects of your life. Enjoy what you do and it won't feel like a chore. Don't get me wrong, you still face challenges but I feel you have more fight in you to deal with them.
How did you do what you do?
With tenacity and hard work. It hasn't been easy or straight forward but it has definitely built my character and helped shape me into the woman I am now. Continuous self-development has helped me to discover new things about myself and keep my craft fresh. Of course there have been moments where work has felt monotonous but you push through and find creative ways to bring excitement back into a piece. 'You learn something new every day.' That's one of my favourite sayings lol. I also think it's important to say that I took a chance on myself. I didn't want to have any regrets when I looked back on my life so I decided to take a risk, leave the security of my 9-5 job and pursue a career in performing arts. I had made the decision in my head that if it didn't work out, at least I had tried and I wouldn't be left thinking 'what if".
What are you without it? (potentially)?
To be honest, I don't know if I can be without it. Music is such an intrinsic part of my life. I'd be heartbroken without it in some shape or form. I love performing on a stage. I love exploring characters and I love the opportunity to storytell. I also love the fact that performance brings me out of my shell. A lot of people make assumptions about me based on the box they have put me in and a lot are surprised when they see me perform as their assumption does not match reality. I love the freedom performance affords. If I were without it, I guess I'll just have to perform to myself?
Where/how are you in the present situation?
I am currently in London, working on home improvements, reading, cooking, attending webinars, meditating and gardening. So the usual things, lol. I am well and taking everything day by day. There have been times where I have felt helpless, especially now with the heightened conversation around racism. I find I'm constantly having to justify why my life matters. Why as a black woman, wanting equal rights needs to be explained at all astounds me. It's not just an American issue but a world issue. I think the fact that we are in lockdown has just brought it to the surface. Sometimes, for my own sanity I have to step away from social media, the news, even misguided acquaintances who don't believe racism is a problem and just surround myself with the things that bring me happiness. That tends to be music and the people I'm close to. I feel I have always appreciated what I have, but I'm that much more grateful for my support system now.
How will you do what you do or did (if you're still doing it)?
I'm finding creative ways to still perform and express myself online. I've been involved in a couple of projects, I am still auditioning and hopefully things will start to pick up soon. I've been fortunate that I've been able to use this unplanned break to reflect and work on myself and carry out tasks that I've been putting off due to lack of time. I've also learnt the value and importance of rest. It's as important as working.
What can we do?
Keep asking those in your circle if they're ok, keep checking. Keep being positive. 'United we stand, divided we fall'. Sometimes it can feel that because it doesn't affect us directly it's not our problem, but if we can support one another and show unity, that's a step in the right direction. I'm thinking about race relations as well as the support that is needed for the theatres due to the global pandemic when I say this. If we can start to see change in the decision makers, legislation, have open and honest conversations, then we'll start to see change in our world.